Monday, June 25, 2012


Folly Beach!

On Saturdays we do something called Outreach.  It is where we go out and talk with other people to see what they think about God and Spiritual things.  So far we have been to Folly Beach twice and have seen God work in Big ways!  What we do at the beach is set up a tent with a sign that says, "What does God mean to you?"  People can come up and write something down and receive a free popsicle.  They also have the opportunity to take a picture survey CRU has created to get a spiritual conversation going.  Many people have walked up to the tent and have had spiritual conversations with the students there.  Only so many students can be at the tent.  The majority spread out on the beach and just approach people, asking if they would like to take a survey (it's technically called Soularium and it's really cool).  Through pictures, people answer questions about their life.  It's a good way to get into a spiritual conversation quick, but not in an awkward way.  Many people have made God Lord of their life and many have started to think more about Jesus and His awesome plan for their life!  Please pray for the people we have talked to and those we will talk with.   God is so good and faithful to bring people to Himself and it is so cool to be a part of what He is doing!!!

Without Walls!

We also do Outreach with an organization called Without Walls.  They are a part of a church in Downtown Charleston.  We split up and go out into different neighborhoods giving out clothing, food, and playing games with the kids.  Please pray for Charleston, there is a lot of crime, broken families, and a lot of needs...but nothing to great for our God!  Please pray for the church who is heading this up, that they would have wisdom from the Lord and that the Lord would provide all that is needed.  Please also pray for us as we do sidewalk Sunday school with the kids, and minister to the elderly. 

This is a brief description of what we do every Saturday, if you have any questions just let me know!

Real Life

Tomorrow will be four weeks!!!!  I'm well into my job at McDonald's now and have started some really solid friendships that I hope will last post project.  I feel like just bulleting some points....I'm not the best writer and I don't have all that much time right now.  So here goes! 

-We have done a lot of training on how to share the truth of Jesus with others and have been blessed with opportunities to share! We have gone to Folly beach 2 times and have connected with a local church in a program called Without Walls.  I hope to give more detail about these tow types of outreaches we do real soon!

-My D-group is AMAZING!  We are talking about the Bible and how to apply what God says in a realistic way.  It's been challenging being real with people, but so very rewarding.  I challenge all who read this to be open and honest about your life with a mentor, discipler, or anyone who you can trust.  Trust me, it's hard...I've done it and hope to continue doing it...but the Lord demands holiness and real talk.

-There has been a lot of fun things we have done too!  Like swing dancing, games night, prayer and praise on the dock, and much much more.

Please pray that as I continue working at McDonald's, going out into the nearby Charleston community, and grow deeper with Jesus, I would find my strength in Christ, pray consistently, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your prayers and support!  Hopefully I will do some more posts about specific things we are doing here!   

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jesus is Everything

“But from that Garden beginning, God has had a different purpose for us.  His intent, since He bent low and breathed His life into the dust of our lungs, since He kissed us into being, has never been to slyly orchestrate our ruin.  And yet, I have found it: He does have surprising, secret purposes.  I open a Bible, and His plans, startling, lie there barefaced.  It’s hard to believe it, when I read it, and I have to come back to it many times, feel long across those words, make sure they are real.  His love letter forever silences any doubts: ‘His secret purpose framed from the very beginning [is] to bring us to our full glory’ (1 Corinthians 2:7 NEB).  He means to rename us –to return us to our true names, our truest selves.  He means to heal our sole holes. From the very beginning, that Eden beginning, that has always been and always is, to this day, His secret purpose –our return to our full glory.  Appalling –that He would!  Us, unworthy.  And yet since we took a bite out of the fruit and tore into our own souls, that drain hole where joy seeps away, God’s has this wild secretive plan. He means to fill us with glory again.  With glory and grace.”  - One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

I read this today unexpectantly at the Young’s house.  Natalie (one of my precious roommates this summer) and I weren’t able to spend the day with our host family, so Chad and Elizabeth Young welcomed us to their house so we could do laundry and chill.  When I was checking out their movies I saw the book One Thousand Gifts on the shelf and read the first chapter.  What truth marks these pages!    

The Lord has been teaching me much of Himself this past week, giving me glimpses of what He loves, what He hates, what is true of me, and what is true of Him.  And I have come to this conclusion: Jesus is the only One who gives me true joy, satisfies my soul, and will never leave me. 

Since my last post, we have done much in Charleston.  We went out on Folly beach and gave out free popsicles, talking with others about God.  We shared with them about CRU and what the Lord has done in our lives.  As a group we have also worked with Without Walls.  This ministry builds relationships in the community by giving out groceries and food.  My group went out to a part of downtown and played with some precious kids –they were so much fun! 

On Sunday’s I go to a church called the “Dream Center.”  I am helping out with the kindergarteners.  They are so precious!!!  This church is awesome and helps the community out in BIG ways!

Work for me started this past Tuesday.  It has been hard, exciting, fun, tiring, but most of all it has been such a great learning experience already.  The Lord has granted me opportunities for talking to my coworkers and I have started making friends!  Please pray healthy relationships form at work so that others will come to know the Lord!!!

Another thing we do at Project is Discipleship.  Through group time and one on one time the Lord has shown me what it looks like to walk in the light, be held accountable, and what community looks like. 

Praise be to the Lord who has brought me here.  Please continue to pray and I work at McDonald’s and share the love of Jesus. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

It's a McDonald's life!!!

Today was our day of orientation for working at McDonald's. It was great! Learned a lot and start work tomorrow at 8 am!!! So surreal!

Friday, June 1, 2012


I want to start off by thanking you all who supported me financially and who are bathing this trip in prayer.  I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for y'all being faithful to the Lord.  God is SO faithful!  I am $213 over the amount I needed to go on this trip.  The extra money will go to someone else on the trip who is struggling financially.  Praise the Lord!!! 

Throughout this summer we will be doing and going and sharing (we have already started this!), so I desperately need your prayers.  Three major things I am involved with this summer is McDonalds, the Outreach team, and D-groups.

McDonald's hasn't happened yet because I have orientation Monday.  I am supper excited to work here and share the love of Christ with my co-workers and customers.  Please pray I have a teachable heart and am filled with the Spirit every single day. 

The Outreach team is AWESOME!  The sixty of us college students who are on this project each have a team and these teams coordinate and plan different events.  For example we have a Development team who plans CRU meetings, a Community team who plans community time, and there are many others.  I was placed on the Outreach team and this team plans outreaches in the community of Charleston.  Knowing Jesus is the most important thing on earth and we all want to share His love with others and so each week the sixty of us go out and share with others this treasure we have.  Of course we don't limit when we share the love of Jesus, this is just a time to build relationships with the community and talk with others.  I love the way CRU teaches us to communicate with others what Christ has done in our lives.  CRU has provided great tools such as Soularium (a picture survey about life, God, and spiritual things) and some booklets that work through the Gospel.  They want to make conversations as natural as possible and encourage us to share our own stories with the people we meet.  Please pray for people on our team to be filled with the Spirit and for those we meet to be open with sharing. 

D-groups is another way CRU has created a safe place for us to be open and vulnerable with some really great people.  My discipler's name is Cristin and she is awesome and so filled with the Spirit.  There are also some really great girls in my group as well.  Pray we will hold each other accountable, live in the Spirit, and love each other in a Christ-like way. 

Over all it is truly a blessing being here.  To be able to have a summer where I have 10 weeks to focus on Jesus and learn what it means to grow in Him is CRAZY awesome!   

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying this warm summer!  Here is a verse that the Lord showed me this morning. 

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.  Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare Him fearlessly as I should." -Eph. 6:18-20

Grace and Peace to you all,
Sarah Massey