Monday, June 25, 2012


Folly Beach!

On Saturdays we do something called Outreach.  It is where we go out and talk with other people to see what they think about God and Spiritual things.  So far we have been to Folly Beach twice and have seen God work in Big ways!  What we do at the beach is set up a tent with a sign that says, "What does God mean to you?"  People can come up and write something down and receive a free popsicle.  They also have the opportunity to take a picture survey CRU has created to get a spiritual conversation going.  Many people have walked up to the tent and have had spiritual conversations with the students there.  Only so many students can be at the tent.  The majority spread out on the beach and just approach people, asking if they would like to take a survey (it's technically called Soularium and it's really cool).  Through pictures, people answer questions about their life.  It's a good way to get into a spiritual conversation quick, but not in an awkward way.  Many people have made God Lord of their life and many have started to think more about Jesus and His awesome plan for their life!  Please pray for the people we have talked to and those we will talk with.   God is so good and faithful to bring people to Himself and it is so cool to be a part of what He is doing!!!

Without Walls!

We also do Outreach with an organization called Without Walls.  They are a part of a church in Downtown Charleston.  We split up and go out into different neighborhoods giving out clothing, food, and playing games with the kids.  Please pray for Charleston, there is a lot of crime, broken families, and a lot of needs...but nothing to great for our God!  Please pray for the church who is heading this up, that they would have wisdom from the Lord and that the Lord would provide all that is needed.  Please also pray for us as we do sidewalk Sunday school with the kids, and minister to the elderly. 

This is a brief description of what we do every Saturday, if you have any questions just let me know!

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