Monday, June 25, 2012

Real Life

Tomorrow will be four weeks!!!!  I'm well into my job at McDonald's now and have started some really solid friendships that I hope will last post project.  I feel like just bulleting some points....I'm not the best writer and I don't have all that much time right now.  So here goes! 

-We have done a lot of training on how to share the truth of Jesus with others and have been blessed with opportunities to share! We have gone to Folly beach 2 times and have connected with a local church in a program called Without Walls.  I hope to give more detail about these tow types of outreaches we do real soon!

-My D-group is AMAZING!  We are talking about the Bible and how to apply what God says in a realistic way.  It's been challenging being real with people, but so very rewarding.  I challenge all who read this to be open and honest about your life with a mentor, discipler, or anyone who you can trust.  Trust me, it's hard...I've done it and hope to continue doing it...but the Lord demands holiness and real talk.

-There has been a lot of fun things we have done too!  Like swing dancing, games night, prayer and praise on the dock, and much much more.

Please pray that as I continue working at McDonald's, going out into the nearby Charleston community, and grow deeper with Jesus, I would find my strength in Christ, pray consistently, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your prayers and support!  Hopefully I will do some more posts about specific things we are doing here!   

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